The Three H Foundation

Heart, Head and Hand - The integration is all. An epic fable about learning to listen. (In other words, a good ol' fantasy novel for women)

Monday, October 25, 2004

Author's Note

Okay, I'm scared. Scared that I'll write something awful, scared that my idea isn't going to jell together, scared that I'm picking the wrong story to write.

I'm busy fighting off the voice in my head that's saying "You're a fool, Sharon." So, instead, I'm going to just jump in with both feet into deep dark murky waters.

This idea has been in my head for about 5 years now. I'm pulling in characters I've created from elsewhere to infuse this book with energy, just cause those characters are so much fun to create and watch. Those characters are Tristan and Kat... yeah I know, fairly common fantasy names.

Okay, here's the rub.... I've always intended this book for a gay market (this idea was born during the days of Xena, what can I say? Derivative yes, but hopefully with a hint of brilliance somewhere). So far, all the characters in the book have been women/women warriors. SO! The question now begs to be asked, should I turn this novel around to suit a more... mainstream market shall we say? Let's see where I'll end up.

Okay... for the sake of clarity, my authors notes are going to be in this godawful color. I'll figure out what the color for the novel is later. Also, I've a feeling there are going to be tons more author notes than novel... at least at the beginning, until I've figured this thing out. Yes, even though the idea has been germinating in my mind for 5 years, I've absolutely no idea where the story will go. I've some characters, a sort of beginning, and I've got to figure out how to bring all these elements together.

Hope you all will enjoy!


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