The Three H Foundation

Heart, Head and Hand - The integration is all. An epic fable about learning to listen. (In other words, a good ol' fantasy novel for women)

Monday, November 08, 2004

Notes from 11/8/04

[Author's Notes] Oh god, I'm so tired today and worn out. My other is making me write - according to her, if she has to lay down flooring, I have to either write or lay down flooring. She's suggesting that writing may be easier - HAH!

The problem is, I chose to end Chapter 5 too soon I think. The next scene isn't a huge scene and happens on the same trip, so I'm wondering if I should just add it on to Chapter 5 instead of having Chapter 6 be a small chapter. Decisions, decisions. *sighs*

Okay, I think I'll just write the next scene without the Queen's comments. That way, if I want to append it to Chapter 5 I can and if it warrants its own chapter, I'll just add in the Queen's comments later. Does anyone think that not revealing what the title of the book means until Ch. 5 is too long of a wait for a reader? Let me know, okay?


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