The Three H Foundation

Heart, Head and Hand - The integration is all. An epic fable about learning to listen. (In other words, a good ol' fantasy novel for women)

Monday, November 08, 2004

Extraneous Scene #1

Agatha peeked out of the large to make sure neither Tristan nor Tiny were nearby; she smiled when she heard their voices drift over the small hill to the west. She closed the flap and smiled at the other two. "Well? It's been almost two weeks. What do you two think or feel?" She sat, facing the other two.

Remy laughed heartily. "Need you ask? She's perfect." and Agatha indicated her wholehearted agreement.

"Hmm," Cece rubbed her lips with her thumb and dipped her head in thought.

"Hmm? What do you mean hmm? You're as taken with her as we are." Remy's tone had curiosity and accusation mingled together.

Cece looked off, not really wanting to lock eyes with either of them. "I mean, there are just a couple coincidences, and that makes me ponder, hence the 'hmm'."

"Cece! You just like to think of conspiracies everywhere," accused Remy. "Who knows," she added with a twinkle in her eye, "It may just be the works of Gods."

"Nonsense!" Cece couldn't help herself but was at once admonished by Agatha.

Agatha clucked out a tsk, "Now, Cece. You know not everyone shares your belief that Gods are inventions by men who seek wealth and power. I, myself -"

"Okay you two. Let's not let this degenerate into the same argument." Remy shook her head in disbelief, then muttered to herself "Why did I bring up Gods?" Aloud she said, "Tristan. Remember her? Wasn't she supposed to be the topic? Cece, what's your thinking?"

Realizing the truth behind those words, the other two settled back in their low chairs. Cece continued her train of thought. "As I said, there's two coincidences. One, I can accept. Two - well, the chances of that are astronomically remote. Therefore, the situation and I repeat, it's the situation, not Tristan herself, that gives me pause."

Both Remy and Agatha relaxed, knowing that even though they had the majority in the decision, things were always calmer when all three agreed.

Cece continued. "First of all, the school that we replaced. The circumstances in which their dean disappeared are pretty suspect. Lucky for us that they had to drop out, right?" Unconvinced shrugs were her answer. "Secondly, we get chosen to grant a scholarship. Us! The pariahs of all schools within the realm. That's the coincidence that boggles me." This time, Cece was rewarded by "hmm"s, which was all she wanted.

"The question then becomes, IF there is something behind the coincidences -" Agatha pondered aloud.

Remy finished Agatha's thought, "Do we let this influence our decisions. I say no. I see Tristan as exceptional. From what she describes of time, she can't be older than 7."

"Such heart she's got. Look at how she won't leave Tiny." Agatha sniffed.

"I agree. I am enjoying her questions; it has been a while since I've been challenged." Cece sat up straighter. "And Tiny? What to do about him?"

Remy spoke up. "The blacksmith is in need of a new apprentice. The last one was strong, but dumb; lasted only a month. I'll speak to him about Tiny."

"I'd like to request special training for Tristan under the Heart department," clucked Agatha with a beaming smile.

"I was going to ask the same for the Hand!" sulked Remy.

"As was I with the Head. Hmm, another quandry. How shall we solve this?" Cece looked at the two with puzzlement.

Remy beamed with sudden inspiration. "She's exceptional. We all agree. So why not make an exception for her? Let's all teach her. In due course, she will choose her own specialty, but in the meantime, let's see what's she's made of." Shouts of "Yes!" and applause were her answer.


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